Richard Maddocks - Unleashing Potential

About Richard

Richard Maddocks is an internationally recognized inspirational speaker, training-workshop leader, conference-moderator, coach and author. His passion for helping individuals, teams and organizations to unleash more of their potential has enabled thousands of people to experience increased fulfilment and impact in their professional and personal lives.

Former CEO of an international IT company, Richard combines long-term business experience with a passion for the development of human potential and the coaching of teams. In 2003, after 25 years of successfully building and growing medium to large corporate IT companies, he co-founded Communicum (www.communicum.com) , an innovative people development enterprise

He delivers workshops and speeches focused on Unleashing Potential, Leadership, Maximizing Energy, and many other topics. His talks and workshops are characterized by high-impact learning, fun, connectivity and pragmatic action for the participants….adapted to the specific needs of groups and organizations of all shapes and sizes.

The resulting positive effect for companies has led to him being a trusted partner for many clients, to stimulate enhanced business success and work satisfaction.


"Richard delivers his speeches with such energy, passion and humour, and always manages to ‘strike a chord’ with the entire audience, by inspiring people on both personal and professional/business aspects."

Bart Meursing VP OutSystems

"The combination of his hands-on business experience and deep understanding of key topics such as leadership, personal energy and unleashing potential, make Richard an interesting and entertaining speaker. His high energy and passionate delivery ensure that the audience is fully engaged and inspired to take action with the practical advice that he provides."

Coen Bos VP SAP NL

"As a speaker at conferences and company meetings, Richard always delivers to a very high standard. He is engaging, inspiring and energizing, and at the same time manages to impart practical advice which stimulates people to take action."

Bert Boers VP SAS Institute

"Richard’s speeches are exhilarating and thought provoking. He stretches people’s thinking, by introducing simple easy-to-understand concepts with practical actions that are easy to implement."

Frank van Vliet MD Wolters Kluwer TAA NL

The Energy Book

The Energy Book

The Energy Book, came about as a result of Richard's realization that

"Personal development in any area needs a high level of personal energy to drive it forward"

and that

"Energized people lead happier, more fulfilling lives"

The Energy Book will help you to understand the nature and sources of your own personal energy and contains "50 Energy Boosters" - practical methods that you can use to increase your personal energy.

Go to The-EnergyBook.com


Unleash Potential e-Academy

Richard's 21 years of experience of creating and delivering face-to-face and remote programs has helped more than 13,000 people in over 100 organizations around the world to unleash their potential.

For a long time, it has been Richard's dream to use digital technology to make these well proven products and methods accessible to a much wider, global audience - and to individuals as well organizations.

At the Unleash Potential e-Academy, several digital products or "Journeys" are now being created. These Journeys take the methods and techniques developed and refined in programs over the past 21 years and present them in a completely new online format. They allow individuals and organizations to access the Journeys in their own time at their own pace - to unleash their potential.

"Turbocharge Your Work", the first of several Journeys is now available at UPe-A.

Go to The Unleash Potential e-Academy at UPe-A.com

Contact Me

Tel: +31622457239

Email: richard@richardmaddocks.com